Mabel, the 1959 Volkswagen Beetle Ragtop the shop is building for the Ultimate VW Build-Off 2015 in Vegas, is getting a gloriously shiny, rust-resistant new (well, new and old, but will look like new) pan. Spook's rigged the rotisserie to make coating her pan as mess-free as possible.

Before he came up with that solution, the guys would rig a contraption from sawhorses and screws to hold the pan still while they POR50'd it. Then they'd have to wait until it was dry enough to flip over so they could do the other side. The rotisserie makes the process much less messy - although Spook definitely needed a bath in mineral spirits after he was done (at least his face).

We're planning to take the chassis to a show in Helen, Georgia in May 2015. This glossy black finish will not only keep the pan safe from rust, it also looks great. Pretty kool how the chemicals bond to the metal and self-level as well. When it's dry, you won't even see brush strokes in the finish.

Half of this pan was replaced, and half was salvageable. So, it's kind of a telling mix of new and old - just like the car itself.

What else is going on with the build?

Spook's still color testing for Miss Mabel, but it looks like he's closing in on just the right color. Our friends at FinishMasters and BASF have graciously agreed to sponsor the build. Many thanks to them and all the other sponsors!

Want to Be a Part of Making (er... Resurrecting) History?

Check it out, like if you like, and subscribe so you never miss a video. Also, check out our Mabel sponsorship packages - you get a ton of kool AKK stuff for helping fund the build and the shop's participation in the Build-Off. Snoopy did his usual badass job of designing the t-shirt and the sponsorship build page on the site.

Click to see for yourself: 1959 Volkswagen Beetle Ragtop - Mabel